8 Misleading Food Labelings You Should Beware of

Misleading Food Labelings: When grocery shopping, are you aware of what you are actually buying? Are you sure they are safe for you and your family? You go to the grocery and see a variety of food items labeled as “healthy” or “made with natural goodness.” Little do you know, this is just a clever marketing strategy of food manufacturers.

Misleading Food Labeling

Here’s a list of misleading food labels you should be aware of the next time you go grocery shopping.


With the increasing number of people with diabetes and other related medical condition, consumers nowadays are conscious of what they buy and eat. On the other hand, a lot of people are already aware that sugar is one of the causes of various illnesses. This is one of the reasons most food items on the market are labeled as “sugar-free.” Little do they know sugar-free products may also contain artificial sweeteners.

Moreover, items such as cereals, fruits, milk, and vegetables are packed with sugar. They may not have additional sugar, but they naturally contain sugar.


Today, more and more people are into gluten-free diets, specifically those who are suffering from gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Bloating, stomach upset and abdominal pain is just a few of the common symptoms of this medical condition. In order to cater to the consumers who are conscious of what they eat, food manufacturers market their products and label them “gluten-free.” As a matter of fact, gluten-free food items are becoming easier to find and cheaper too.

They are good for those with gluten intolerance. However, for those who do not have metabolic problems, gluten-free food products do not help you shed extra pounds. They are not necessarily beneficial for you.

Made With Real Fruit

Moms always love to purchase food items labeled “made with real fruit” for their kids. As usual, kids love fruits and when you see an item in the grocery which says it is made with real fruit, you might be convinced to purchase it. The packaging shows images of fresh fruits such as pineapple and oranges.

But the truth is, most of the time, these products may not contain very much fruit at all. Or, they don’t even have any trace of fruit in the product itself.

All Natural Label

Don’t be fooled or misled by products that say “all-natural or 100 percent natural.” The truth of the matter is, that food manufacturers have been receiving several warning letters from the FDA regarding their food packaging that claims to be all-natural. Whenever you see a food item on the market saying “all-natural”, its label may not be telling the truth about what it contains.

For instance, there are food items that are packed with high fructose corn syrup. Yet, they are marketed as all-natural.

A Good Source Of Fiber

A lot of people follow a fiber-rich diet or consume food items that are a great source of fiber. This is why a lot of food marketers are claiming that their products are the best source of fiber or rich in fiber. A lot of consumers are not aware of the fact that these products do not have an actual good source. They do not contain traditional fibers such as vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains.

In fact, they are actually known as isolated fibers. They are made from a purified polydextrose powder or chicory root. According to medical research, these substances are known to lower the cholesterol or sugar level of the ones who consume them.

Cholesterol Free

With the increasing number of people with heart disease, high cholesterol levels, and other related diseases, more and more food items are sold and labeled as “cholesterol-free.” Consumers are not aware that when a product says it is cholesterol-free, it does not necessarily mean it doesn’t have any trace of cholesterol in it.

As a matter of fact, cholesterol-free products may contain more or less 2 mg per serving. On the other hand, there are also food items that are marketed as low cholesterol. Chances are, these products usually contain more or less 20 mg of cholesterol per serving.

Farm Fresh

When you go grocery shopping, you might have already encountered a few food items that are labeled “farm fresh.” This is another marketing strategy that food manufacturers do in order to increase their sales and convince consumers to buy their products. The truth is, they are still packed with preservatives and other chemical substances to prolong their shelf life.

Most of the time, farm-fresh products in grocery stores are manufactured in food factories. If you really want to make sure that you are buying farm-fresh food products, buying from a farmer’s market or a stall on the side of a road is a great choice you can make.


In a society where there is an increasing number of people with various diseases or illnesses, a lot of consumers are more conscious of their health. They are more careful when it comes to the food items they buy from the grocery. With this, they prefer to purchase food items that are labeled “organic.”

Little do they realize, that most of the products with a label that says made with 100 percent organic ingredients must have at least 70 percent of all ingredients that meet the usual standard. Still, you cannot be assured that they do not have any trace of pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

A Final Thought

Be a conscious consumer all the time. Most of the food labels you see on the market nowadays are marketing ploys. Of course, their primary aim is to effectively market their products and increase their sales. They make use of marketing strategies in order to reach their business goals.

They are specifically created to convince people to purchase the product. With all the misleading food labels and campaigning these days, you need to be careful in buying the food items you and your family eat on a regular basis.

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As much as possible, shop locally or purchase items from a local farmer’s market. Starting your own vegetable garden is a wise decision too. The next time you go grocery shopping, keep the ones mentioned above in mind. After all, health should always come first.

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